Thursday, October 14, 2010

World Cup counterparts: Illustrator drawing three cases of Football

銆??2006涓栫晫鏉濡傜伀濡傝嵓鐨勮繘琛岋紝鎴戜滑宀傝兘鏃犲姩浜庤》锛?On the bones of this tutorial provides three examples of tutorials Illustrator drawing football, let us also with the World Cup, a fire it!鍘熸枃鏍囬鍒嗗埆涓恒?鍦↖llustrator缁樺埗瓒崇悆銆嬨?銆婄敤Adobe Illustrator缁樺埗瓒崇悆 銆嬪強銆婄敤Adobe Illustrator鎵撻?鐪熷疄瓒崇悆銆嬨?


銆??瀹炰緥浜屻?缁樺埗涓?彧绠?崟鐨勮冻鐞?br />

Three examples, drawing a three-dimensional football

Example of a video tutorial to teach you draw football
Learning Points

銆??鈽?澶氳竟褰㈠伐鍏?br />鈽?reference line (Ctrl +5)
鈽?rotary tool
鈽?once again transform (Ctrl + D)
鈽?clipping masks (Ctrl +7)

Examples of two, draw a simple football
Using the line tool draw a straight line as shown below (in combination with Shift key to draw a vertical line)

Will maintain the selected line, double-click the rotation tool in the toolbox, pop-up dialog box, shown below, set the rotation angle of 72 degrees (360 梅 5)

Click the "Copy" button, copy the line rotation

Implementation of the Ctrl + D (again transform) command three times

銆?皢寰楀埌鐨勫浘褰㈡墽琛屸?瑙嗗浘>鍙傝?鐜?amp;gt;寤虹珛鍙傝?绾库?锛屽皢鍥惧舰鍙樹负鍙傝?绾?br />

With reference to the center line of a circle, hold down the Shift + Alt keys, drawn from the center of a perfect circle, and round to coloring - blue; Stroke - no.

Select the round, double-click the toolbox, zoom tool, zoom tool pop-up dialog box, set up as shown below

Click the "Copy" button, get a copy narrow circle, will change its coloring - white


銆??浠ュぇ鍦嗗舰涓庡弬鑰冪嚎鐨勪氦鍙夌偣涓哄渾蹇冿紝鎸変綇Alt閿紝浠庝腑蹇冪偣缁樺埗鍑烘き鍦嗭紝妞渾鐨勮竟缂樹笌灏忓渾褰㈠拰鍙傝?绾跨浉鍒?br />

銆??鎸変綇Alt閿紝浣跨敤鏃嬭浆宸ュ叿锛屽湪鍙傝?绾跨殑浜ゅ弶鐐逛綅缃崟鍑婚紶鏍囷紝寮瑰嚭鏃嬭浆瀵硅瘽妗嗭紝璁剧疆鏃嬭浆瑙掑害濡備笅鍥炬墍绀?br />

銆??鍗曞嚮鈥滃鍒垛?鎸夐挳锛屽緱鍒颁竴涓棆杞鍒剁殑妞渾濡備笅鍥炬墍绀?br />

Implementation of the Ctrl + D command three times, will round out the three reproduce, use selection tool to the next round white picture hold down the Shift key to select

銆??鎵ц鈥滃璞?amp;gt;璺緞>鍋忕Щ璺緞鈥濆懡浠わ紝鍦ㄥ脊鍑虹殑瀵硅瘽妗嗕腑璁剧疆濡備笅鍥炬墍绀?br />



Draw rectangle as shown below


銆?犅犅犅?浠ュ弬鑰冪嚎鐨勪氦鍙夌偣涓烘棆杞腑蹇冿紝鏃嬭浆澶嶅埗鍑哄鍚屾墍绀虹殑5涓浘褰?br />

銆??浠ュ弬鑰冪嚎浜ゅ弶鐐逛负鍦嗗績锛屾寜浣廠hift锛婣lt閿粠涓績鐐圭粯鍒跺嚭濡備笅鍥炬墍绀哄渾褰?br />

銆??鍏ㄩ?鎵?湁鐨勫浘褰?br />

Implementation of the "Object> clipping masks> build (Ctrl +7)" command to the top of the circle on the bottom of the formation of shear effect of all graphics

Select using the grouping tool to create clipping masks for the round selected, to strokes to - blue, thickness 3pt

Implementation of the "View> Guides> Clear Guides" command will remove the reference line.澶у姛鍛婃垚锛屽厛浜蹭釜鍢达紝鍝堝搱銆?br />

瀹炰緥涓夈?缁樺埗涓?彧绔嬩綋鎰熻冻鐞?br />Always thinking about painting football these days, not many spade, and let's begin.杩欐牱鐨勫舰鐘朵笉瑕侀棶鎬庝箞璇濈敾锛屽墠闈㈠凡缁忚杩囦簡锛岃繕鏈夎繖閲屼篃璁蹭簡銆?br />

The fill to white, drag the symbols palette

Draw half circle, blue strokes. (Ye draw? Draw a perfect circle, with the direct selection tool to select half of the deletion of that half circle Mody)

Implementation of the "effect> 3D> Raozhuan" command, set in the dialog box as shown below


Preview satisfied, click twice the "OK" button

Results will be a copy, and strokes to white

Using the path outlined triangle shown below, and the implementation of the "Object> Compound Path> build" command. (If you do not know how to draw triangle is very simple, first in the layers palette that the ball will turn off the white display)

銆??閫変腑鐧借壊杈圭嚎鐨勭悆涓庡鍚堣矾寰勶紝鎵ц鈥滃璞?amp;gt;鍓创钂欑増>寤虹珛鈥濆懡浠?br />

Using the pen tool draw the path as shown below, and its coloring to red

In the transparency palette will change its hue mixed mode


Pen tool draw the shape shown below and use the "Object> Arrange> near the bottom," the graphics placed in the bottom of football



Click "OK" button, as shown in the results

Implementation of the "effect> Fuzzy> Gaussian Blur" setting as shown below

Click "OK" button, as shown in the results

Draw the shape as shown below and fill to the shape of the gradient

銆??閫変腑濡備笅鍥句腑鐨勪袱涓舰鐘讹紝鍗曞嚮閫忔槑搴﹁皟鏉垮彸涓婅鐨勫皬涓夎锛屽湪寮瑰嚭鐨勮彍鍗曚腑閫夋嫨鈥滃缓绔嬩笉閫忔槑钂欑増鈥濆懡浠?br />

銆??缁撴灉濡備笅鍥炬墍绀?br />



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