Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Photoshop round with your dream car (directory)

China's accession to WTO, the car import tariffs are reduced by a mile, are lowering the price of domestic cars, and some down by 5000 over 1000, down by more than 10,000 others, some are based on a drop of 30,000 yuan, the cheapest 55,000 can be purchased, but for me this working-class, or Qionga or no money to buy ah! Hey, fortunately, the Pacific network so a tutorial college, so that car like crazy, I can customize a beloved sports car, do not believe? Take a look:

"I want to personally create a treasure when the Czech Republic, a real car belonging to their own!! I not the daydreaming, because now I do have one called" PHOTOSHOP "production line, but also the latest 6.0 section! ha ha, now running up to it, step by step to achieve our common dream car right. "

. The first step of production - design car shape

. Production of the second step - drawing the various parts

. The production of the third step - to the vehicle color

. The production of the fourth step - the details part of the picture 1

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

World Cup counterparts: Illustrator drawing three cases of Football

銆??2006涓栫晫鏉濡傜伀濡傝嵓鐨勮繘琛岋紝鎴戜滑宀傝兘鏃犲姩浜庤》锛?On the bones of this tutorial provides three examples of tutorials Illustrator drawing football, let us also with the World Cup, a fire it!鍘熸枃鏍囬鍒嗗埆涓恒?鍦↖llustrator缁樺埗瓒崇悆銆嬨?銆婄敤Adobe Illustrator缁樺埗瓒崇悆 銆嬪強銆婄敤Adobe Illustrator鎵撻?鐪熷疄瓒崇悆銆嬨?


銆??瀹炰緥浜屻?缁樺埗涓?彧绠?崟鐨勮冻鐞?br />

Three examples, drawing a three-dimensional football

Example of a video tutorial to teach you draw football
Learning Points

銆??鈽?澶氳竟褰㈠伐鍏?br />鈽?reference line (Ctrl +5)
鈽?rotary tool
鈽?once again transform (Ctrl + D)
鈽?clipping masks (Ctrl +7)

Examples of two, draw a simple football
Using the line tool draw a straight line as shown below (in combination with Shift key to draw a vertical line)

Will maintain the selected line, double-click the rotation tool in the toolbox, pop-up dialog box, shown below, set the rotation angle of 72 degrees (360 梅 5)

Click the "Copy" button, copy the line rotation

Implementation of the Ctrl + D (again transform) command three times

銆?皢寰楀埌鐨勫浘褰㈡墽琛屸?瑙嗗浘>鍙傝?鐜?amp;gt;寤虹珛鍙傝?绾库?锛屽皢鍥惧舰鍙樹负鍙傝?绾?br />

With reference to the center line of a circle, hold down the Shift + Alt keys, drawn from the center of a perfect circle, and round to coloring - blue; Stroke - no.

Select the round, double-click the toolbox, zoom tool, zoom tool pop-up dialog box, set up as shown below

Click the "Copy" button, get a copy narrow circle, will change its coloring - white


銆??浠ュぇ鍦嗗舰涓庡弬鑰冪嚎鐨勪氦鍙夌偣涓哄渾蹇冿紝鎸変綇Alt閿紝浠庝腑蹇冪偣缁樺埗鍑烘き鍦嗭紝妞渾鐨勮竟缂樹笌灏忓渾褰㈠拰鍙傝?绾跨浉鍒?br />

銆??鎸変綇Alt閿紝浣跨敤鏃嬭浆宸ュ叿锛屽湪鍙傝?绾跨殑浜ゅ弶鐐逛綅缃崟鍑婚紶鏍囷紝寮瑰嚭鏃嬭浆瀵硅瘽妗嗭紝璁剧疆鏃嬭浆瑙掑害濡備笅鍥炬墍绀?br />

銆??鍗曞嚮鈥滃鍒垛?鎸夐挳锛屽緱鍒颁竴涓棆杞鍒剁殑妞渾濡備笅鍥炬墍绀?br />

Implementation of the Ctrl + D command three times, will round out the three reproduce, use selection tool to the next round white picture hold down the Shift key to select

銆??鎵ц鈥滃璞?amp;gt;璺緞>鍋忕Щ璺緞鈥濆懡浠わ紝鍦ㄥ脊鍑虹殑瀵硅瘽妗嗕腑璁剧疆濡備笅鍥炬墍绀?br />



Draw rectangle as shown below


銆?犅犅犅?浠ュ弬鑰冪嚎鐨勪氦鍙夌偣涓烘棆杞腑蹇冿紝鏃嬭浆澶嶅埗鍑哄鍚屾墍绀虹殑5涓浘褰?br />

銆??浠ュ弬鑰冪嚎浜ゅ弶鐐逛负鍦嗗績锛屾寜浣廠hift锛婣lt閿粠涓績鐐圭粯鍒跺嚭濡備笅鍥炬墍绀哄渾褰?br />

銆??鍏ㄩ?鎵?湁鐨勫浘褰?br />

Implementation of the "Object> clipping masks> build (Ctrl +7)" command to the top of the circle on the bottom of the formation of shear effect of all graphics

Select using the grouping tool to create clipping masks for the round selected, to strokes to - blue, thickness 3pt

Implementation of the "View> Guides> Clear Guides" command will remove the reference line.澶у姛鍛婃垚锛屽厛浜蹭釜鍢达紝鍝堝搱銆?br />

瀹炰緥涓夈?缁樺埗涓?彧绔嬩綋鎰熻冻鐞?br />Always thinking about painting football these days, not many spade, and let's begin.杩欐牱鐨勫舰鐘朵笉瑕侀棶鎬庝箞璇濈敾锛屽墠闈㈠凡缁忚杩囦簡锛岃繕鏈夎繖閲屼篃璁蹭簡銆?br />

The fill to white, drag the symbols palette

Draw half circle, blue strokes. (Ye draw? Draw a perfect circle, with the direct selection tool to select half of the deletion of that half circle Mody)

Implementation of the "effect> 3D> Raozhuan" command, set in the dialog box as shown below


Preview satisfied, click twice the "OK" button

Results will be a copy, and strokes to white

Using the path outlined triangle shown below, and the implementation of the "Object> Compound Path> build" command. (If you do not know how to draw triangle is very simple, first in the layers palette that the ball will turn off the white display)

銆??閫変腑鐧借壊杈圭嚎鐨勭悆涓庡鍚堣矾寰勶紝鎵ц鈥滃璞?amp;gt;鍓创钂欑増>寤虹珛鈥濆懡浠?br />

Using the pen tool draw the path as shown below, and its coloring to red

In the transparency palette will change its hue mixed mode


Pen tool draw the shape shown below and use the "Object> Arrange> near the bottom," the graphics placed in the bottom of football



Click "OK" button, as shown in the results

Implementation of the "effect> Fuzzy> Gaussian Blur" setting as shown below

Click "OK" button, as shown in the results

Draw the shape as shown below and fill to the shape of the gradient

銆??閫変腑濡備笅鍥句腑鐨勪袱涓舰鐘讹紝鍗曞嚮閫忔槑搴﹁皟鏉垮彸涓婅鐨勫皬涓夎锛屽湪寮瑰嚭鐨勮彍鍗曚腑閫夋嫨鈥滃缓绔嬩笉閫忔槑钂欑増鈥濆懡浠?br />

銆??缁撴灉濡備笅鍥炬墍绀?br />



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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Numbers will be allocated to the concept of the sword the veil of players

Recently, some people say, "ERP in China to popularize stage." This is the ERP vendor's market strategy to implement a new momentum and fry. They see a huge market space for small and medium enterprises, should such a big mouth to eat cake, the need for SMEs to buy ERP's account, it needs a pretext, an idea. With these, we go rally to call for SMEs, "Invitation to a Funeral", money or pay. Therefore, "China's ERP to popularize stage" has become such a pretext, and lobbyists have created such a concept, a concept footnote.

China's information technology has entered a critical stage and key stage.
Stresses the crucial period is that: the information industry has entered a transition period.
The key stage is talking about: the information industry has been at a crossroads of a new stage of development.

In such a critical time and critical stage, ERP failure rate issue emerged as a focus of attention of the whole society.
Some people call: ERP concept ruin a batch of enterprises;
Some people clamor: ERP to the era of great popularity.

Two opposing voices in a market. How to do business? How to do business?

Analysis of the reasons, despite overwhelming current of the article, but has fallen into a view of reincarnation, the concept of replication. Lack of rational thinking, lack of systematic, multi-perspective, but it has a fair analysis.

Therefore, e-works to the "ERP is universal access to age?" In-depth discussion is necessary. Through discussion people can hear the voice of genuine, objective voice. Blindness would be reduced to improve the prevention and avoidance of enterprise ERP risks.

As for the recent, some people say, "ERP in China to popularize stage." This is the ERP vendor's market strategy to implement a new momentum and fry. They see a huge market space for small and medium enterprises, should such a big mouth to eat cake, the need for SMEs to buy ERP's account, it needs a pretext, an idea. With these, we go rally to call for SMEs, "Invitation to a Funeral", money or pay. Therefore, "China's ERP to popularize stage" has become such a pretext, and lobbyists have created such a concept, a concept footnote.

In fact, this is not new stuff. As early as 2002, not someone 蹇芥偁: ERP for Chinese enterprises to time it? What is interesting is: the current fry some media to follow suit. This is puzzling. The media need a reason, a mature. When the media as irresponsible merchants feather fan, when the devaluation of the value of the media.

As to "ERP in China to popularize" stage? I am responsible, it absolutely clear: simply not to that extent!

I have said three years ago, ERP's popularity requires three basic conditions: First, the goods market is mature; second, the principal trading market is mature; third, the market management mechanisms and the legal system is sound. Currently, there are three ways a lot of problems, ERP software, immaturity, lack of functional availability, capital cost overruns too high, too long debug cycles, and higher risk of failure, etc., are all that are currently not available ERP launch large-scale conditions and general basis for implementation.

It should be said: the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the corporate trend of history, the inevitable trend of the world market. Also Chinese enterprises from traditional management to information management of the inevitable choice. More Chinese enterprises to improve network management capabilities and market competitiveness of the necessary requirements.

At present, China's ERP after an arduous explorations, started to the healthy development of the situation. Reflect this situation there are five distinctive features:
1, ERP effects on social awareness has improved significantly;
2, ERP implementation success rate has been significantly improved;
3, ERP implementation of expert resources began to be obvious importance;
4, ERP implementation of the development of much needed talent has increased significantly;
5, ERP development strategy and methodology of research begun to make significant progress.

Research and implementation of ERP in particular, the rise of specialists, will change the ERP suppliers, manufacturers dominate the ERP implementation market discourse situation. Market and customer will hear an objective voice, real voice, the voice of reason. Internet Lab, Analysys International, IT168 Expert Committee and a number of research and advisory agencies have research on ERP implementation methodology, ERP implementation management studies, ERP actual case studies done a lot of fruitful work, about to have a number of have thought, a component of the theoretical results available.

However, can not fail to see is: ERP application and implementation of a large number of issues still to be studied, ERP implementation failure rate of the issue is not only plagued the industry, but also troubled entrepreneurs. How to improve the success rate as soon as possible no clear thinking and effective way. Qualified personnel needed for ERP implementation - implementation of the manager is still quite lacking, though some companies have realized that training a hundred come, they still can not meet the basic needs of the development. Do not say that these short-term training of personnel through and how many to take to implement the manager duties?

The face of a large number of failed ERP implementation, ERP implementation in the face of a large number of issues need to rational thought and calm our research, practical solution. However, some people began fever. High talk about ERP to the era of great popularity.

Well, good! To spread, the first study a simple concept: What is ERP success? Successful implementation of the ERP measure of what?

Is likely to say is a joke: ERP in China has implemented more than 20 years, almost common sense for such a problem in the industry have said is not clear.

In ERP implementation, some of the concepts useful players to conduct "fuzzy math" to create a "success both on the line said." This conceptual confusion, as some people cover up their project is not successful the first barrier.

"Success both on the line that" no comprehensive response to the scientific development concept. ERP implementation process "on line", just a starting point to success. Only for the successful implementation of ERP laid a foundation, providing a possibility. From the overall success of ERP implementation and overall success and a long way. Because, ERP project into run the risk of not resolving, but the focus of project risk transfer and renewal. Chinese and foreign on the on-line Survey results show that: on the line after the failure rate as high as 42%.

Therefore, it may succeed, as the concept has been successful on a steal for surgery, is not it should be.
However, this concept is misleading, quite a few enterprises in the last line after the weakening or dissolution of the project implementation team. According to the survey: the proportion of this 32% actually. More serious is that: after two years, this ratio actually increased to 47%. In this case, talk about universal access? Capital where you popular?
What is "success"?
Success is to "achieve the desired results." Therefore, success should be and the "expectations" were compared and measured. An enterprise, an organization to implement ERP projects, if there is no "expectation", not "target", the success of the question.

Practice, the evaluation of an ERP project is successful, the following three aspects should be measured:
(1) whether the enterprise's overall development strategy
ERP system is part of their overall development strategy is a support strategy. It must be, and should serve, subject to the long-term development strategy and business development planning is to ensure long-term planning to achieve a technology and management assurance. Therefore, the company's information technology strategy and overall strategy must be aligned to match.

(2) whether the business to achieve the desired functions and management objectives
In ERP implementation, companies should clearly ERP functions to achieve business goals and management needs. In particular, is to do functional needs analysis, a clear problem in corporate governance, to distinguish the path to address these issues and levels. Proposed overall goal, the stage may be possible to achieve a realistic quantitative goals.

(3) whether the desired balance between benefits and costs
Enterprise information technology fundamental aim is to Achieving Benefits income, improve network management capabilities and network management capabilities. Therefore, the measure of success of an enterprise application ERP system or not, need to clearly estimate the benefits and costs of ERP applications. 10 m distance, walking is the most cost-effective means that it must open a "Benz" from, may be superfluous.

In accordance with the above three standards of success. Most of the implementation of ERP there are two companies is not clear: The demand side there is no clear objectives; the implementation side without a clear target. A considerable number of people to buy equipment on the ERP as a software used. This situation is bound to the existence of blindness. This blindness is precisely the success criteria for ERP software vendors provide opportunities vague and may eventually lead to a large number of failure cases.

Serious is that: the success of this approach to the concept of fuzzy majority of the SMEs is to spread and extend. As the SME information personnel and information technology knowledge may be more weaker than large enterprises. Therefore, an extension of this concept may be more serious consequences will result.

According to Analysys International provides the basic unit of the second national census data. At present, China as a legal person, in line with the national "Provisional Regulations on Standards for SMEs", the company had 2.659 million. In the small and medium enterprises, there is the use of management software applications (that have been or will purchase, including ERP, CRM, SCM, including various types of management software) for nearly 141 000. About 5.3%. In 2005, the market scale will reach 2.037 billion yuan. SME ERP market, despite the rapid growth, but pointed out that if the three in accordance with previous standards, the SME ERP application success rate of less than 10%.

Such figures are alarming. Speak on the figures themselves, and in recent years, the rising trend of ERP success rate form a great contrast; on the development of state say: SME ERP maturity obviously too low. In such circumstances to turn the popularity of ERP?

At present, the so-called "ERP to the large popularity of the times" in the clamor, there is a very important question is: to be alert to people engaged in product mix: the low-cost supply and maintaining the software as a high-priced to sell ERP.

The concept of fuzzy product mix is the product of a twin. This is called the people to "take door gods sell when the God of Wealth."

"Financial Supply survival" software is the initial stage of information as a popular and dependable products. It consists of a single financial management functions, to supply, sales and inventory management business extension, and its essence is the computerization of financial expansion. The software to enter the market early, and expansion of its convenience welcomed by the company, showing the effect of information and initial advantage.

However, with the depth of information to the development of this product are insufficient to meet the needs of enterprise management depth. Some businesses also feel the software: ERP is the future trend, "Financial Supply exist" only small shrimp, so all in transition.

As the transition to market management vacuum. Appeared in two situations: Responsible, reputable manufacturers to seriously transition; number of companies with poor play goodwill games and the concept of "Changing Faces brilliant idea." So, true and false Bao there. A considerable number of enterprises can not be worth after the official rank changed face and true and false. This allows some companies to spend the money to buy poles, bought a rolling pin.

This disadvantage fooled, business and did not. When multiple systems in parallel, integrated problem emerged when the problem was exposed, companies began to complain. Not only can a lot of basic data integration, and can not be shared and transferred.

In fact, the two are essentially different manifestations:
鈼?different management philosophy.
ERP financial management system is based on management accounting as the core, using the standard cost system, and emphasized that "pre-plan and control and, after analysis of" management philosophy; the "financial supply and keep" just based on financial accounting for the center, and this accounts Accounting is often an afterthought, not done on the cost effective management and control.

鈼?accounting in different ways.
ERP's cost accounting is followed by market demand resource planning, along the process line, the cost of dynamically accurate Guiji started. Control of the production process and cost reasons for the change, can play a role in reducing costs. For the entire supply chain management has laid a solid foundation in order to accurately and timely feedback to sales to production areas, so that enterprises with timely and rapid response to the market. Capacity, while the "financial supply and survival" is just not functional.

鈼?control of different targets.
ERP system integrates both material and financial resources to achieve logistics, capital flow, information flow of the dynamic control; while the "financial supply and deposit" only an integrated cash flow, funds flow only to achieve local control.

鈼?integration of different functions.
Logistics information and resources to achieve the dynamic flow of information integration is the most important sign of ERP, and the "financial supply and keep" just add into the financial management modules, marketing, human resources exist or composed of modules, not closely integrated with production systems , not to mention the logistics and cash flow to achieve effective integration.

鈼?the cost of different data sources.
聽聽聽 ERP鏄互鐢熶骇鐨勫伐鑹鸿繃绋嬫帶鍒朵负鏍稿績锛岄?灏嗕緵銆佷骇銆侀攢绛夌幆鑺傦紝灏嗕笟鍔℃暟鎹強鏃躲?鍑嗙‘鍦拌浆鍖栦负璐㈠姟淇℃伅锛岃嚜鍔ㄧ敓鎴愬嚟璇佺瓑鏂瑰紡瀹炵幇瀵逛紒涓氱幇閲戞祦鍜屼骇鍝佹垚鏈殑鎺у埗锛?br />聽聽聽 鑰岃储鍔¤繘閿?瓨杞欢鏄?杩囨?銆佸垎绫昏处锛屽皢浼佷笟杩愪綔鏁版嵁璧勯噾鍖栵紝鍘昏绠楁垚鏈?璐㈠姟鏁版嵁鏄?缁撴灉鈥濊?闈炩?鍘熷洜鈥濄?鐢变簬婧愬ご鎺у埗涓嶅ソ锛屼笉鍙兘浜х敓鍑嗙‘鐨勨?缁撴灉鈥濄?

聽聽聽 鈼?浜嬪姟澶勭悊鑷姩鍖栫殑绋嬪害涓嶅悓銆?br />聽聽聽 ERP璐㈠姟绠$悊绯荤粺鐨勮储鍔″嚟璇佸畬鍏ㄧ敱涓氬姟鏁版嵁鑷姩鐢熸垚锛涜?鈥滆储鍔′緵閿?瓨鈥濈殑寰堝璐㈠姟鍑瘉浠嶉渶鎵嬪伐褰曞叆銆?br />聽聽聽 鐢变簬瀛樺湪涓婅堪宸窛锛屼紒涓氬崈涓囦笉瑕佽交淇′簡璇村鐨勭敎瑷??涓婂綋銆?br />
聽聽聽 浠ヤ笂锛屼粎浠呬妇鍑轰簡涓や釜闂锛屽氨瓒充互璇存槑锛氭垜浠苟娌℃湁鍒颁粈涔堝ぇ鏅強鐨勬椂浠c?璐熻矗浠荤殑鍘傚搴旇鍩硅偛甯傚満锛屼笉搴旇鍘荤倰鍋氬競鍦恒?

聽聽聽 鍙兘鏈変簺鈥滆瀹⑩?瀵规垜鐨勮娉曚細鎸囨寚鐐圭偣銆傞偅涔堝ソ锛佺珯鍑烘潵锛岃浜嬪疄璇磋瘽锛佸簲璇ヨ閮庡捀骞冲湪涓浗瀛︽湳鐣岀殑涓?ぇ璐$尞锛氬氨鏄敤鎴愭灉璇磋瘽锛岀敤鏁板瓧璇磋瘽銆?br />
聽聽聽 鏁板瓧鐨勫埄鍓戝畾灏嗘嫧鍘绘蹇电帺瀹剁殑闈㈢罕锛?br />


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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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Software Details

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Single-store retail and wholesale business
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Multi-store chain

To thank our customers who support the Kai, from 10.1 8.1 --- No. No. 7 Kai off all sales of any software.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

IPTV in China is still a big step forward needs to test the water level of attainment

Near the end of the time, when Harbin, Hangzhou, IPTV trial conducted initial success, China Telecom and China Netcom's local branches have begun to focus development effort, began testing IPTV-related equipment, network construction bidding, the business pilot commercial test run with a series of activities, making IPTV industry in China shows a spark Negative effect and Precaution. But the face of this scene, but experts said a low profile, despite the current IPTV industry in China, whether in social concerns, but also in actual construction industry has made considerable progress in both, but overall, IPTV in China is still in testing the water phase, the whole industry is still in early stage of development.

The focus of intense competition

"IPTV business, competition is mainly from two aspects: First, the traditional TV operators from cross-sector competition, and second, the competition between telecom operators." Broadband Digital Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Chaoge Shi Ying, Assistant General Manager? , said in an interview. Not long ago, China Telecom launched with great fanfare five provinces and cities in 17 pilot local network IPTV, China Netcom IPTV pilot cities also announced that it would expand from one to 20. But for now, the two operators are basically in their respective territories to start IPTV service pilot project, the competition between them seems less than keen on. "The real threat now comes from the traditional television operators." Shi Ying? Said.

This is not as vigorous industry and the media as propaganda - IPTV seems to have a boom in China. Alcatel Shanghai Bell, Wang Ying, vice president that, with China's existing 40 million broadband subscribers compared to only a handful of the current IPTV customers, the market penetration of less than 0.5%, still far from being totally out of shape.

Wang Ying pointed out that mainland China's video service price is very low. In Hong Kong, China and Europe and the United States and other places, the fees are higher than cable telecommunications charges, and the situation in China, on the contrary, ADSL monthly fee mostly in the 80 -120 per hour, cable television, only a dozen dollars on fees, This is unreasonable. "In mainland China, the video business, lower rates can no longer, if only the business in line with the traditional broadcasting - radio and television and on-demand for the development of IPTV, then, IPTV will not survive, it is an indisputable fact." Wang Ying said.

"Short term, traditional television, IPTV's stumbling block, so we have hopes on IPTV to play a traditional television does not have the charm. Operators ultimate goal is to become IP-TV multi-service terminals, effectively video combination of the three areas of communication and PC together, provide users with integrated services. "CCID Consulting Consumer Electronics Division of Caowei Yun told reporters.

That came out into the IPTV content

Since the short term can not establish an absolute compete with traditional TV, IPTV content and charges only on the spare in the article, in order to achieve the purpose of attracting users.

Currently Hong Kong is recognized as Asia's best in IPTV development. In the recently held Hong Kong, IPTV 2005 Forum for Asia, the reporter experience to PCCW (PCCW) of the "Broadband TV (IPTV)" business, the overall feeling is very good, but the flaw is obvious: its IPTV video television programs still the main interaction between users using the system and exchange programs, or very few, are not entitled to from traditional TV and other value-added services.

"The Hong Kong market competition can indeed use the 'tragic' to describe, in addition to the face from the large and small cable TV, digital TV operator competition, we have to face from other telecom PCCW peer competition. "Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited, Deng Kai, said in an interview," At present we are also areas of content and charges brains. "

PCCW's business in the stores understand that the PCCW "NOW" broadband TV bear with a film, information, news, entertainment, music, children, inspiration and learning, and sports channels and open up under each main channel many sub-channels, the content is very rich. In the tariff on PCCW to take a variety of flexible strategies, programs mix completely determined by the user, how much is entirely controlled by ourselves. Business store official told reporters, shortly before the PCCW's IPTV users just break 500 000, has far exceeded their expectations.

The face of strong competition from rivals, Deng Kai told reporters that by the end of November, Hong Kong Broadband Network has launched the "only 128 dollar monthly fee, you can watch any of more than 70 channels of our broadband" promotion. "At present, Hong Kong Broadband's IPTV subscribers reached 15 million." Deng said Kay.

IPTV pilot project on the mainland of China, Wang Ying, told reporters that the general feeling of the current end users or very poor, in addition to the time shift TV, basically no other value-added services. "This is what the next breakthrough in China's IPTV to one of the key points, operators must constantly introduce Kara OK, distance education, information dissemination, and community services of interest to users value-added services, attracted users to the eye, IPTV have hope. "Wangying Jiang stressed.

Cao Weiyun that the development of the network television business, the most critical issue is it with traditional television, digital television as distinguished from areas that differentiate as much as possible to enhance the competitiveness of IPTV. "Interaction, differentiated content and application of IPTV business development is the main driving force, with only different from the traditional TV business and services to attract users, IPTV can be a huge market." However, according to report, at present, In addition to video resources, subject to the relevant technology mature in the actual commercial on network TV at this stage also limits the content and applications capabilities.

Cautious in the forward operator

In some countries and regions, IPTV is able to get large-scale development, mainly due to its field of telecommunications and broadcasting access to each other, completely open. China's environment is different, telecommunications and broadcasting each closed chain in the industry, telecom operators have access to the advantages of broadcast media content and policy groups have the advantage, both sides hope to become the industry chain, the key directly to end users part, this is the development of IPTV tremendous obstacles.

In the IPTV 2005 Forum for Asia, the Shanghai Media Group subsidiary specializing in network TV, Shanghai Oriental Broadband Communications Limited Deputy General Manager Li Huaiyu again publicly called for: "telecommunications and broadcasting operators are faced with industrial transformation, the two sides should cooperation, rather than engage in implicit competition with each other. "

"IPTV in China over the ongoing pilot model model mainly Harbin, Shanghai, Daning mode, Shanghai Pudong and Minhang model, Hangzhou model. In addition, Hangzhou model has its unique characteristics, other operating modes are generally responsible for network carriers , Shanghai-Canton sense of commitment to IPTV SP, responsible for the content, copyright, billing and other management platforms, but many content providers will gather in the downstream. "Cao Weiyun said.

With the end of this year China Telecom and China Netcom with Shanghai for close cooperation, implying that the current policy level, the bottleneck has been a breakthrough business model it has been the conclusion?

Wang Ying think it is hard to draw such a conclusion. "Policy level, but this year opened a door." Ying Wang commented, "First Shanghai Media as the only company to obtain licenses to manufacturers and content providers, insufficient to support the development of the market, and the monopoly of the content and license also cause problems. Moreover, Shanghai Media if every cities IPTV services must also be broadcast to the local department and the State Administration of Radio application, things too complex. In fact, to really launch IPTV business, only two cities of Shanghai and Harbin. Although the SMG in the other cities have the possibility to obtain a license, but are still in the 'in progress'. "

Face many obstacles, telecom operators have been maintained despite the enthusiasm of the IPTV, but the pace on the road weary, after all, it involves huge investment and large-scale network transformation, not to mention the profit model is now IPTV is still a question mark.

"2006 was a critical year, if in the first half to give them a second, third license, then the end of 2006 the number of IPTV users will surely break the scale." Wang Ying said. She said that in mid-2006, IPTV license issued again a great possibility, but will still be broadcasting organizations hold in their hands.

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Friday, July 30, 2010

He Jinghua Xu Shaochun joined the first on

December 18 News, 10 December Kingdee International Software Group (hereinafter referred to Kingdee) announced the appointment of UF software (UF) former president He Jinghua as the company's CEO, as Kingdee and UF in the industry Sudi relations, the news was announced immediately attracted great media attention and heated discussion in the industry.

The face of external events on the various rumors and speculation, 15, broke the silence Kingdee evening, the Chairman of the Board Xu Shaochun Sina science and technology in an exclusive connection accepted the first time to disclose the reasons for joining the appointment He Jinghua, and to many issues of concern to the industry to the SAN 11 Xiangjie. The following is a telephone connection Sina Technology and Xu Shaochun Record.

He Jinghua UF without the need to understand

Sina technology: Why He Jinghua do Kingdee's CEO, what he most valued the ability and experience?

Xu Shaochun: He Jinghua is a passionate person, there is a very good professional competence management personnel, is also very interesting that we are all O blood type, personality similarity, also got along well, I really like this person, he We Kingdee right, looking for the CEO. Is of most importance Ho Kingdee professional experience, professional knowledge and professional management.

Sina technology: we all know, He Jinghua competitors in Kingdee done for two years president of UF, Kingdee He Jinghua do in the choice of CEO, he's the experience of the extent to which he contributed to your choice?

Xu Shaochun: We chose Mr. He Jinghua is the value of his character, professional competence and experience. We believe that He Jinghua Kingdee to join us help to help improve core business competitiveness. Kingdee and UF have been very understanding of each other, we do not need to know by Ho UF.

If not enough power to He Jinghua not invite him to

Sina technology: Kingdee CEO until the post is part-time by you, is when to make the decision to find a CEO?

Xu Shaochun: Frankly speaking, the last two to three years Kingdee has been a global search for CEO, which is the need for development strategies Kingdee, Kingdee goal is to become Asia-Pacific region in 2010 SME ERP market leader in China's enterprise management software market brand.

In addition, as a Hong Kong listed company, in order to better improve the corporate governance structure, the President and CEO by different people as is necessary.

Sina technology: Please He Jinghua as the company's CEO when the decision is made?

Xu Shaochun: This is the last two or three months to make the choice, of course, before that we went through two years of preparatory work. We have a lot of CEO candidates. Precise, in this month's board meeting held 9 formal appointment of Mr. He Jinghua made as the company CEO's decision.

Sina technology: Kingdee is the founder of your hand and big companies can do now the size is not easy, perhaps precisely because of this reason, until you have served as the company's CEO, Kingdee big now this is the first time you request a "outsiders" to manage the outside world to know that you can give He Jinghua how much power the future?

Xu Shaochun: You can say that if Mr. He Jinghua can not make full use of his capacity and role, why should I ask him to come? Kingdee is an institutionalized, and the company in the role each has its own position and values, I believe he can play his role as CEO.

Sina technology: He Jinghua, said there were paid employees of his annual salary of convenience Kingdee said, will more than UF's time?

Xu Shaochun: As the Hong Kong listed companies, executives of the salary and other information will be relevant in the Stock Exchange to require disclosure of statements and documents, please when the time concerned.

Sina technology: Appointment of CEO, while He Jinghua Kingdee do it for the first time set up the post of chief software architect, and for you to serve in that capacity, we want to know how this decision is envisaged in the original, then chief architect and Kingdee How CEO division?

Xu Shaochun: First, I would like to talk about the understanding of the chief architect, chief architect to the company's products and services, especially products that can keep to the definition and optimization, to plan and optimize the product structure. I think this is the core of our corporate strategy.

Second, why should I not after the CEO, to serve as such a position? I hope to have more time to go to the market line, to have more time with customers, to face and examine their management challenges. To have more time to think about the company's strategic issues.

As China's economic rise, the era of globalization, Chinese enterprises must have their own in the Guanlimoshi, I am very interested in studying this management model, hope right leader in all sectors of management, summed up their management common mode, hoping to help SMEs to improve management.

Also, you know the Internet and mobile communication technology has developed rapidly, Kingdee hope in these two areas can be a breakthrough, our products also face the transition to the Internet side. I am also interested in research in this area, hoping to develop new products and applications Kingdee mode.

The time the first phase of cooperation is four years

Sina technology: As He Jinghua management software market in China, the special experience of the industry are concerned about his future, there are many views, Kingdee certainly greater expectations on the He Jinghua, who formally took office, He Jinghua hope he can give Kingdee What are the changes , what is expected of him?

Xu Shaochun: frankly ask him to do the company's CEO, we had to very low-key, very practical to go forward, but also create good conditions and atmosphere for him, did not think this matter which has caused such a big response, it does is unexpected. Here, I also represent the company to the community's concern Kingdee thanks.

However, He Jinghua not God is not a savior, we do not want him within a year give the company a radical change, but we hope he will, and employees work together, through team efforts to promote the progressive core of the company as a whole Competitiveness. He and I reached a consensus that low-key and pragmatic move forward.

We hope that the present basis He Jinghua can have some inheritance and innovation, we gave him a long time.

Sina technology: the "long time" is long, is it easy to disclose?

Xu Shaochun: We both agreed the first stage is 4 years, that is, 2010, at the end of this stage, to achieve our promise.

Sina technology: this convention is that you mentioned before, to the 2010 Asia-Pacific region Kingdee enterprise management software market leader?

Xu Shaochun: Yes, this is the case. After the first phase of implementation, once the second phase, to my understanding of the He Jinghua, our cooperation will be very useful, according to the consensus we reached before, we hope that China's management software to a higher level .

Sina technology: after 2010, that is, the second stage with the He Jinghua in Kingdee What is the goal?

Xu Shaochun: Four years later, things hard to say, but I firmly believe that good cooperation we can continue.

Sina technology: how to look after the UF He Jinghua join the competition?

Xu Shaochun: In fact, the management software market, competition in the future mainly in foreign competition, China's domestic manufacturers and foreign companies before the competition. So please do not be afraid opponents, do not worry, I say, "stare stare customers than rivals," how to play the advantages of local firms is that we should all think about.

Postscript: "Who can give me a reason not choose He Jinghua"

He Jinghua Kingdee appointed as the company's CEO is not easy to do low-key, just as in 2004 from the same UF that He Jinghua, not only because He Jinghua management software market in China itself is a controversial figure, but because he is the choice of Kingdee , and "South Kingdee North UF" has been a tendency into confrontation.

A telephone connection, Xu Shaochun tone slightly tired, but in no way lack of firm and rational. He repeatedly Sina Technology said, "We would like to play down the matter that Mr Ho to create a good environment and atmosphere, now aroused so much concern about our unexpected." He even questioned said, "who gave me Mr. He Jinghua do not choose a reason CEO? "

Although already a public company, but it is undeniable that Xu Shaochun Kingdee children, after all, he is the founder of Kingdee, which, as UF is to the Wang Wenjing, Huawei is to the Ren Zhengfei, and so on, which is the growth of Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs the same ring.

In the flat world inside of the fierce competition, they are actively trying to line with international standards, Xu Shaochun introduced as early as 2000 with the international background of professional managers, Wang Wenjing, 2002, he attempted to employ He Jinghua to build international UF, But the reason it makes sense that in addition, China's domestic management software industry, the two leaders have chosen to the same person. Therefore, they are destined to become the focus of the community.

Peer is the enemy, competition is inevitable. But perhaps, as Xu Shaochun said, China's management software market potential is huge, local companies should not be confined to internal competition, but should head down thinking about how to play to local strengths, after all future management software market is more a contest between Chinese and foreign enterprises competition.

Xu Shaochun last hope expressed two hopes Sina technology: first, the hope and the media as a career development manager, business development and create a favorable social environment; second, the industry to practical management of China's software industry to promote the further development of .

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Novell to occupy the field of domestic high-end


銆??涓撳鎸囧嚭锛屼粠鐩墠鍏ㄧ悆寮?簮鏈嶅姟甯傚満鐨勫彂灞曡秼鍔挎潵鐪嬶紝鍥介檯鍘傚晢涓嶪T缁煎悎鏈嶅姟鍟嗛?杩団?鎴樼暐鑱旂洘鈥濊繘琛屽瘑鍒囧悎浣滅殑瓒嬪娍姝e湪涓嶆柇鍔犲己銆?In addition, last year since the release SUSE Linux Enterprise 10, Novell Linux has become a leader in the field, and quickly occupied the country better competitive position.

According to IDC published the "China Linux 2007-2011 Forecast and Market Analysis" report shows that China's Linux market revenue in 2006 reached 14.5 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 23%.


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